Chariots of Ire: Plotting the demise of the standard bike crank

David Greene

Dear Members,                                                                                                                                                                    

For those of you who haven’t escaped the Covid madness for friendlier shores, we are thrilled to announce our first get-together will be held next month, usual place, usual time. If you haven’t already opted out of incubating your own bacteria via mask wearing, as recommended in the Newsletter, please print off your exemption if you haven’t already done so. Covid fearmongering on club premises will not be tolerated;

The first order of business will be our move to a much bigger home. Originally slated for June but now delayed, we have been handed several new options ripe for discussion with the Westway Trust.

WLCC have not been active on this website for some time but that will soon change. Lookout for the coming articles on successful progress in human power research and development, which aims to eliminate the standard bike crank sooner rather than later. The UCI, Tour de France and every other cycling body will soon be consigned to the dinosaur heap of the retro bike market. Don’t believe it? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, we know.

Check back in next week 😉